The Best Icecream Parlours in Lahore: Ultimate Top 10
Nowadays its so hard to find good icecream parlours in Lahore, especially after the advent of cheap yet cost effective alternatives like Jaybees. These brands have taken the over Lahore by storm but, as with all fads, people get sick of the same monotonous low quality crap. That is why we feel that it is our duty to inform our locals about the best icecream parlours in Lahore while simultaneously saving them the trouble of trying out each brand to figure out what will work for them.
Moreover this list will only cover actual places in Lahore, rather than brands that are solely available in retail. Below you’ll find a list of our chosen best icecream parlours in lahore, ranked from worst to best. Each listing is elaborated in detail later on.
10. Chaudairy Icecream
9. The Hotspot Cafe
8. Baskin Robbins
7. Doughlicious
6. Sweet Affairs
5. The Sweet Tooth
4. Haagen Dazs
3. Cold Stone Creamery
2. Cosa Nostra
1. Hifny Tifny
Best Icecream Parlours in Lahore: #10 Chaudairy Icecream
We found the name to be particularly interesting. A play on words that is sure to strike the attention of our desi Lahori awam. Chaudairy icecream was established in 2016 and gained popularity very soon as one of the best ice roll makers in Lahore. They still stick to the basics and provide a wide array of icecream curls in cups with numerous add-on options. They recently started home delivering as well, providing the option of pint sized icecream tubs.
Ever since their launch, Chaudairy icecream has set up a few outlets all over Lahore. Presently they are available in Gulberg, Johar town and DHA as well. After taste testing a few of their flavors, one thing we can say with certainty is that in their icecream niche they are doing pretty well as their ice rolls/curls are without a doubt the best in Lahore. Also the fact that their offerings are 100% dairy really add to the appeal of the brand. Now you must be wondering why they are so low in the list? We wouldn’t really blame them, but ice rolls aren’t actual icecream and naturally have a very heavy and curdy mouthfeel. The reason for this is the use of cream and no milk in their icecream. On one hand it makes their icecreams extremely rich in dairy fat, but on the other, it diminishes the taste and richness of the add-ons on top of being extremely fattening. Chaudairy icecream have a rating of 4.4 on google which is quite decent (when compared to other ice roll providers)
Best Icecream Parlours in Lahore: #9 The Hotspot Cafe
We’ll judge you, if you haven’t heard of the hotspot café. Surprisingly and interestingly enough, this famous café was founded by two twin brothers who would, with the help of Plan9’s investment, bring a revolution to the icecream scene in Lahore. They started in Islamabad and with a few strokes of luck and some sweat breaking they were able to expand to Lahore as well. In the now, Hotspot is available in Cantt, Gulberg (Gadaffi), DHA Phase 4 and Phase 2 as well.
With a rating of 4.3 on google, they aren’t doing half bad. The hotspot café used to be one of our go to places for icecream and let’s be honest, in the good old days, there wasn’t a single brand that could compete with their icecream. Presently they offer a multitude of yummylicious and guilt inducing icecream flavors aswell as savoury items like their famous alfredo pasta and beef burger. However, sadly so, all good things must come to an end; with the rise of competitive brands offering the same quality, hotspot’s quality started to deteriorate or perhaps get overshadowed with time. Talking about the cons of their icecream, they usually serve icy icecreams now and lack the richness that the rest of the brands below offer. All that being said, we would still recommend them because their icecreams are always satisfying, utilize good quality ingredients and are served with amazing side options like molten lava or waffles 😊
Best Icecream Parlours in Lahore: #8 Baskin Robbins
This multinational powerhouse is the perfect example of “aa gaya, aur cha gaya”. When we think of icecream chains, Baskin Robbins is probably the first to come to mind. It has become an icecream staple of sorts and has gained mammoth fame in Lahore’s streets aswell. We won’t be counting the number of branches that they have established but just to give you an idea: almost every major town in Lahore has one. Moreover, we’ve already discussed the history of the establishment of Baskin Robbins as one of the best icecream brands in Lahore.
Baskin Robbins has a rating of 4.4 on google and it makes sense, since they have been consistently providing us with rich and exquisite cluster of flavors. Our top picks would have to be:
- Gold medal ribbon
- Love potion
- Mauvi brownie madness
And mind you, these flavors are highly recommended and you’d be missing out if you haven't tried them yet. Personally, what intrigued us the most are their “made to perfection” waffle cones and hot fudge sauce. Please excuse us, we got a little caught up, but for real! If you’re looking for a brand that will provide consistent good quality icecream, then Baskin Robbins is your man (or woman, whatever you seem fit). But wait, we haven’t forgotten about the dark side yet! Yes, baskin robbins is a hell of a brand, but remove the numerous add-ons and combos, and you'll end up with a stripped bland and artifial tasting icecream base. We know, were being a little harsh but its true because baskin robbins doesn’t have 100% dairy icecreams but rather a mess of synthetic ingredients, food colorings and preservatives.
Best Icecream Parlours in Lahore: #7 Doughlicious
Rated 4.2 on google, one could argue that they don’t deserve the 7th position on our list. However, because they paid us, we just had to comply. Just kidding, doughlicious deserves this spot for one simple reason: innovation and out of the box thinking. Presently, their outlet is only situated in DHA Phase 2, so if you’re living nearby, we would urge you to at least visit once (or thrice, we won’t judge).
Apart from their savory options, Doughlicious offers a new take on icecreams by combining them with donuts. With a donut dough cone base topped with soft serve icecream, weirdly enough, it tastes rather amazing. Moreover, there cones are available in different flavors, adding to the versatility of the finished product. When we discuss it’s shortcomings however, it wouldn’t be much of a complaint but rather a personal want. With a precise focus on the bottom of the icecream cone, Doughlicious apparently forgot to enhance the richness of the top. Their icecream, is soft-serve and hence unappealing. We’d bet that if they were to use actual dairy and dense hard serve variants, they could deserve a place in the top 3.
Best Icecream Parlours in Lahore: #6 Sweet Affairs
Amongst the best cafes in Lahore, Sweet Affairs has made a name for itself by continuously serving us the perfect combo of savory items like their much loved, brick oven pizzas and there “to die for” desserts including obviously, their custom line of gelato flavors. The Waqar Shafi group is responsible for the foundation of this café and if you have an eye for spotting good icecream and are willing to spare some time for a magical experience, it is highly reommended that you visit the area with a friend. (or family, upto you)
With a rating of 4.0 on google, it would suggest that they aren’t doing to well lately but when they’re at their A game, Sweet Affairs is known to offer one of the most quirky combos of fresh fruits, wafers and rich good quality icecream. Their gelato icecreams are full of flavor and their higher density gelato distinguishes it from the rest. Upon trying out their flavors, while their range is less, they do focus on quality rather than quantity and each icecream is made with natural ingredients and dairy. The pitfalls of this brand more or less lie in the quality department. While their icecreams are reasonably good, they simply cannot compete with the higher ups in this list as they do not use a custard base in their icecream. Hence, while being a tad bit too costly, their scoops also don’t offer that bang for the buck. Gelato is afterall less rich and bland in comparison to real icecream like perhaps Hifny Tifny’s icecream.
Best Icecream Parlours in Lahore: #5 The Sweet Tooth
Sweet tooth started as a humble icecream parlour in Lahore and as of now, has matured into one of the fastest growing restaurant chains in Pakistan. Literally, they even have an outlet in Murree and what a delight that trip was down memory lane. It was founded by entrepreneur, pundit and baker: Umer Hussain. At the moment their parlours have been set up in:
- DHA phase 6
- Main Boulevard Gulberg
- Fort Road (Near Badshahi masjid)
Talking about the dining experience, they feature a full scale menu of awesome sweet and savoury items. Our top recommendation is their cookie skillet with vanilla or chocolate icecream (what ever floats your boat).
Personally, our experience with sweet tooth has been nothing short of pleasant and satisfying. They serve out generous portions and the quality of the food is par excellence. They have scored a rating of 4.1 on google, but don’t let that fool you (there atleast a 4.8 in our books). The best thing about the whole sweet tooth situation is their commitment to innovation and their constant strife towards offering fun and peculiar ways to serve their food. From caving in molten lava cakes to deep dish pizzas, they’ve got a sweeping deal for every person. As far as criticism goes, we’d only complain about the quality of their icecream base. Our recommendation is to use higher quality of icecream and provide more ad-on options. Otherwise, there isn’t much else they can improve upon. P.S: just check out the aesthetics of their parlour in Gulberg (Isn’t it fascinating?, let us know in the comments)
Best Icecream Parlours in Lahore: #4 Haagen Dazs
One of the oldest brands of icecream in the world, Haagen Dazs has just recently soaked its feet in Lahore and we aren’t complaining. Haagen Dazs doesn’t quite need an introduction and has their journey has already been documented in our article about the best icecream brands. With a rating of 4.4, we can already tell that haagen dazs is doing pretty well in Lahore. Their first ever branch is located in Gulberg, Mall 94 and if you consider yourself a true icecream fan, you’d have visited this place by now (We’ll judge you if you haven’t 😉)
Their offerings at the moment are restricted to icecream alone. Without a shred of doubt, all their icecreams are one of the best Lahore has to offer. Watch out for their fresh fruit flavors though, since they felt a little to strong in taste and to some extent not fresh tasting (if that makes any sense). The ambiance is good like most standard icecream chains for e.g. Baskin Robbins. While Haagen Dazs focuses on simplicity, which is shown in their overall brand and outlet design, it kinda inhibits them from growing and we predict and fear that they might be swept away behind the competition in Lahore. While their icecreams are premium in quality in terms of richness and texture, one pitfall that accompanies good quality is impractically high costs. So we’d definitely recommend Haagen Dazs but only if you can afford a few holes in your pocket.
Best Icecream Parlours in Lahore: #3 Cold Stone Creamery
Wer'e in the end game now! Cold stone has been a family favorite for us and truly deserves all the praise it can get. Currently, the international chain is open in Gulberg Galleria aswell as in Garden town, Aibak block. The company was actually co-founded by Donald and Susan Sutherland, who invented a new form of icecream that was neither hard serve or soft serve. There first store opened in Tempe, Arizona and ever since, they have taken over the world.
When we talk about super premium icecream, we are either talking about Hifny Tifny or cold stone creamery. This brand offers one of the best icecream textures and experiences in Lahore. Let’s first take out the time to appreciate the ambiance that they have created. The vendors and staff are always so welcoming and perform fun and simple tricks with their icecreams (a total performance) much to the delight of most customers. There ads-ons and flavor options are also spectacular in the sense that they are totally different in feel and texture from most icecreams in the market. Our only critique for coldstone would be a highly biased customer base. While some people fall head over heels for their super dense and ultra creamy icecreams, for some it’s a mouthful and to hard to either stomach or digest. On top of that, their icecreams are so rich in taste that you need to chug a bottle of water at least to quench your thirst after having a couple of their scoops. However, having said that, the experience is a worth a try and we highly recommend that you give them a chance!
Best Icecream Parlours in Lahore: #2 Cosa Nostra AKA The Delicatessen
At first glance at their menu, Cosa Nostra, doesn’t strike one as an icecream place. But don’t be fooled because their secret weapon is infact their icecreams. For many, Cosa Nostra has now become a household name and many, including us, swear by their icecream. With a rating of 4.7 on google, it becomes quite evident why they have secured the second position on our list. Currently they are serving us at the following locations:
- Gulberg 2
- Gulberg 3
- Phase 5, DHA
- Phase 3, DHA
This place is unlike any other place in Lahore. They offer exclusive Italian cuisine and surprisingly enough the restaurant was started by three siblings by the name of Shereen, Shan and Yasmeen (How cool is that). After analyzing numerous reviews and visiting the area ourselves, we can say with confidence that they have a flavor for almost every person. A must go for icecream lovers, since apart from Cold Stone and Hifny Tifny, we haven’t had icecream this perfect anywhere else. Everything, from the creamy texture to enhanced rich flavors and just the right balance of density; one can argue that Cosa Nostra is in fact the king of icecream parlours, as of now! Talking about the cons of this place, they should improve on their savory dishes as well for a more wholesome experience. As far as the icecream is concerned, its top notch in our books!
Best Icecream Parlours in Lahore: #1 Hifny Tifny
Ok, so this last entry is cheating since Hifny Tifny does not own a parlour yet. However, who needs to visit an icecream parlour when you can get icecream delivered right at your doorstep within 2 hours or less. Convenience is king and we at Hifny Tifny understand that very well. Our icecreams beat the rest of the competition hands down and are:
- The richest in taste and ultra decadent
- Value for money
- Available for free home delivery all over Lahore
- Super creamy and delivered rock solid cold!
Ordering from our website is super simple. Simply visit www.hifnytifny.com and add the flavors to cart. We use freezer plates while home delivering to make sure that our icecreams don’t melt. Moreover, our icecreams are made following the utmost strict hygienic procedures and are produced using natural ingredients such as butter, cream, import grade cocoa and milk. Here is what a few of our customers have to say:
Not everyday do you come across such items, Well done team Hifny Tifny! – Ali Gul
It was amazing, delicious and dense! Delivery was on time and in this heat, I received the icecream rock solid – Sheherbano Asghar Sharjeel
I wouldn’t be surprised if it were labelled “imported” on the shelf. Superb! – Areeb Wasim
To wrap it all up, it seems that our winner for the best icecream parlour is infact Cosa Nostra while our winner for the best icecream in Lahore is Hifny Tifny. Both are worthy contenders and we hope that after reading this article, you give yourself the chance to enter icecream heaven by trying out each of their offerings.